Materials Science International, Inc.
"Our subject collector and Down Draft Tables purchased from your company have been installed and have been running for four weeks. MSI's Management as well as out Cleaning Room personnel are very satisfied with the manner in which your equipment has been performing. The noticeable lack of dust not only in the Cleaning Room but throughout The Production Floor as well is a very good sign that your equipment is performing as you had
indicating that it would.

You may recall that we had tried three (3) other methods of controlling the float dust and particulate that is generated during the sanding operations in our Cleaning Room to no avail. All three methods were total failures.
We here at Material Science International, Inc could not be more satisfied with your equipment and would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for that hard work and dedication exhibited on this project.
William F Bailey
Executive Vice President
SouthCoast Welding & Manufacturing 
"I just wanted to personally thank you for the great service we received from Avani Environmetntal. Not only was everyone at Avani very professional but they were very pleasant to deal with and Provided great service. All of the welding booths arrived on schedule for our grand opening of the welding school in April. Everyone at Southcoast was very impressed with the quality abnd overall appearance of the weld booths.
Whenever I give anyone a tour of the weld school form our customers to the representative of the State of California Employment Training Panel they all comment on how great the booths look. The quality of the weld booths were much better than what I have seen at other welding schools. The booths and ventilation system were very easy to assemble and everything fit together perfectly.
Since the opening of our welding school in April we have certified over 25 welders. I want to personally thank you and I hope to add another 10 welding booths by the end of this year
Patrick Shoup